Friday, September 30, 2022

Orichalcum: The Magical Metals of Sundaland

According to Plato Orichalcum was abundant in Atlantis and second only to gold in value. But we don't know which metal it was.  Supposedly it was mined but others believe it was simply an alloy of copper, zinc, nickel and iron. Of course readers of this blog will know that Sundaland is a good candidate for the real Atlantis.

So is Orichalcum a simple alloy or a magical metal? If it's the latter what kind of properties does it have? Are there other magical metals in Sundaland?

Roll some d10s to discover the qualities of the magical metals of Sundaland.

Extraordinary Properties 1d10

1. Lighter than Aluminium

2. Stronger than Tungsten

3. More dense and heavy than Iridium

4. More elastic than Steel

5. Conducts electricity better than Silver

6. More beautiful than Gold

7.  More dazzling than Diamonds

8. More rust resistant than Stainless Steel

9. Can be polished to reflect light like a glass mirror

10. Sharper than a Diamond or Obsidian blade

Supernatural Properties 1d10

1. Can provide and/or store an electrical charge like a battery

2. Anti-gravitational

3. Glows in the dark

4. No known melting point

5. Can be shaped to amplify sound waves

6. Can be shaped to reflect light like a laser

7. Does not reflect light at all. It's darker than Vantablack 

8. Antimicrobial or healing properties

9. Magnifies or enhances brain waves and/or facilitates Psionic / Psychokinetic / Telepathic abilities.

10. Can not rust or corrode at all

Colour 1d12

1. Transparent

2. White

3. Yellow

4. Orange

5. Red

6. Brown

7. Olive

8. Green

9. Blue

10. Purple

11.  Black

12. Grey

Monday, September 26, 2022

Elephant Queens & Tiger Kings - 8: Arriving at the City of the Longheads

In the last episode I was press-ganged into becoming a rower on a galley that's part of a trade and diplomatic mission to Nanbeg Gakwha, a city of the Longhead people. We are slowly travelling up the river occasionally stoping to stock up on food and dealing with the dangers of the environment. I was instrumental both in finding food and in dealing with a giant pangolin which has put me in good standing with the members of the expedition.

We are almost a week and a half into our journey, the 3 galleys are making good progress and rowing isn't as strenuous as it could otherwise be, thanks to the monsoon winds blowing inland at this time of the year. There is a light misty rain falling and the air is filled with the cacophony of jungle wildlife. We haven't passed any villages in days and likely won't see any for a while yet.

The journey progress trackers is currently at 5 out of 10. I want to get to at least a 7 or 8 out of 10 before I risk making a progress roll. Remember I am using 3 Wits for these Undertake a Journey moves since the expedition is being lead by navigators and helmsmen of the galleys.

Move: Undertake a Journey (Formidable Rank)

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Wits(3), 2 + 3 = 5

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 2 and 7

A Weak Hit: Reach a waypoint and mark progress.

We've made further progress (6 out of 10), -1 supply (3 out of 5 left).

Nothing remarkable happens, we make steady progress up the river. No signs of human activity. Just the dark jungle and the sound of birds and monkeys in the air. We set anchour just before dark and sleep until dawn for the next leg of our journey.

Move: Undertake a Journey (Formidable Rank)

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Wits(3), 3 + 3 = 6

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 6 and 7

A Miss: You are waylaid by a perilous event. Pay the price.

Ask the Oracle: It is stressful.

Action: Overwhelm
Theme: World

Over the course of the following morning we continue our journey and then the first signs of humans. We start seeing the occasional carved stone pillar along the shoreline. They seem to be the height of two or three people and we can see that they are adorned with decaying flowers and surrounded by what looks like rotting fruit, if the clouds flies are anything to go by. And what's more, the macabre sight of human skulls. It's not clear to us what the purpose is of these pillars. Are they places of worship and offering, boundary markers or warning signs?

There are mutterings amongst the other rowers. Some of them have heard rumours about the Longheads and their vicious ways, in battle, towards prisoners and sometimes each other. The chatter increases, stories are passed around and then the arguing starts. Some of the rowers stop, guards start beating people. The rhythm of the rowing has been thrown off and the helmsman orders everyone to raise their oars out of the water.

While I sympathise with the nervousness of the crew I believe it's better to continue rather than let ourselves drift listlessly in the river. We shouldn't get separated from the other galleys as we don't know who might be watching us from hidden vantage points amongst the trees.

I'm going to try and speak to the crew to calm their nerves. I've gained respect amongst the crew due to being successful at finding food and defending against the giant pangolin, so I hope they will consider what I have to say.

I will give myself a one off +1 on a Compel move for the aforementioned reason. 

Move: Compel +1

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Wits(3), 1 + 3 + 1= 5

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 5 and 2

It's a Weak Hit but I burn momentum to turn it into a strong hit. The momentum drops to +2 but I get +1 for the Strong Hit putting me back at +3 momentum.

Strong Hit: They do what I want.

I raise my voice to grab everyone's attention and explain that it is better to keep moving than to stay still. And that to turn back now, on our own, is even more dangerous. This seems to satisfy the crew, for now. The mariners in charge of the boat don't usually allow rowers to speak out of turn, but make an allowance for me this time when they notice the crew calm down and agree to continue. Everyone on the boat is once again aligned in a common purpose, to continue on. But in the process I've used up my favour with everyone on the boat. They'll have someone to blame now if anything goes wrong.

Move: Undertake a Journey (Formidable Rank)

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Wits(3), 4 + 3 = 7

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 9 and 5

A Weak Hit: Reach a waypoint and mark progress (7 out of 10). -1 Supply (+2 Supply).

We all get back to work and row hard in order to catch up with the other galleys. A message is shouted over by one of the mariners to explain what has happened, which seems to satisfy everyone concerned. Mutinies can happen. We continue on and in the latter part of the evening we once again start encountering signs of human life. Huts by the water, then small villages. But the people we see fishing from their canoes, playing by the rivers edge or returning from a forest hunt are different from what we have encountered further down the river.

Their skulls are unmistakably elongated. A result of the the bindings that are applied to their heads as soon as they are born. We are amongst Longheads. They watch us suspiciously, occasionally pointing and shouting incomprehensibly at us. But not daring to venture towards our galleys. We also keep our distance and set anchour only once we are at a sufficient distance from any dwellings. At night there is a double watch and we are awakened earlier than normal to start rowing again.

Move: Undertake a Journey (Formidable Rank)

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Wits(3), 6 + 3 = 9

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 7 and 3

A Strong Hit: Reach a waypoint and mark progress. +1 on the Journey Progress Tracker now takes to 8 out of 10.

I'm going to attempt the Reach Your Destination move.

Challenge Dice: 10 and 4 against 8.

Weak Hit: On a Weak Hit you face an unforeseen hazard or complication. Envision what you find or Ask the Oracle.

We make good progress over the next couple of days. This stage of the journey could be described as uneventful save for the fact that we are clearly being watched. Every time we pass a village there seem to be more people watching us from the river side or out on canoes. They still maintain a distance but it's we can tell that the word of our arrival is spreading ahead of us. Also we now notice the presence of groups of warriors, bearing spears, clubs and bows. Decorated with feathered headdresses and tattoos and body paint different to what we are used to seeing. 

Finally, almost 15 days after we left the City of Pearls, we navigate around a bend in the river to find ourselves at our destination. Out of the mist appears the light of burning fires, high up on stepped pyramids. Then pillars lining the river bank, as before with flowers and various skulls hanging from woven vines. Also more huts, gardens and pig pens amongst the trees. Occasionally a stone tower from which we are likely being watched.

I wonder what our reception will be like?

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Elder Beings: Truth of the Star Gods

Legends of the Star Gods: 

When the land was still young they came in their many ships, down from the heavens where they existed first. Here they, whom we call the travellers from the stars, found a forest covered land with abundant fruit and flowers, air filled with the songs of birds, the calls of monkeys, the growling of tigers and the trumpeting of elephants. 

They set out to build high towers and great palaces to make their homes in and recruited the animals to help them in these efforts. The animals were directed to dig into the earth for stone and jewels, and to cut down trees and divert rivers and lakes. And many of the animals were taught to speak so that they could more easily be guided in this work.

It is said that the star-travellers could take the clay from which all creation was fashioned and mould and press it into new shapes as they saw fit. To make small fruits grow large, to make beasts stronger or walk upright where before they were on all fours, to give a snake limbs or to even make a fish breathe air and walk on land.

However even in their wisdom there was disagreement amongst them. First arguments, then conflict and eventually open war; although it is not known why or to what end. Battles raged on mountain tops and in deep caverns. Entire cities were destroyed with terrible magic, and ever more fearsome monstrosities were created with which to chase enemies across open seas and down into deep mines where it was hard for them to reach.

Eventually the wars of the star-travellers ended, but with no ultimate victor or vanquished. The lands were ravaged and our people were there amongst the ruins. In service we had been taught how to carve stone and pour metal. How to sail ships and cast nets. And how to tend forest gardens and herd animals. This is how we managed to survive in the aftermath of so much devastation.

The travellers from the stars left in their ships, for reasons as mysterious as what brought them in the first place. Although it is said some stayed behind guarding in mountain fortresses or still lie resting in tombs in deep caverns. 

Even then there was no peace as the surviving animal servants warred amongst themselves for the inheritance that was left behind. Our people eventually prevailed over all others who then forgot how to speak, or perhaps choose no longer to talk with us because of what we did. Those that refused to submit fled into the forests and swamps, or into the cold mountains and the deep oceans where they plot to one day return and overthrow us.

Since those times we've multiplied, prospered and built new cities, using what we remember from our teachers to honour them, even attempt contact with them and request their return. There are ambitious amongst us who believe there is still yet more to learn from the star-travellers. And that there are to be found in the ruins of those ancient towers, cities and tombs knowledge and artefacts, magic and weapons that can benefit us still. There are even said to be the wrecks of some of their enormous ships situated in the remote parts of the land. Could they be repaired and sailed to the stars to meet their original captains? 

- Unknown Author 


Truth of the Star Gods:

Pick one or create your own truth.

1. The star-travellers are worshipped as gods but do not exist. They form part of or the entirety of the various pantheons of gods that exist in the religions of Sundaland. 

Religions are a collections of memes that are passed down through the generations; providing a survival benefit to societies by increasing group cohesions and codifying cultural knowledge. Some, often less pious, religious leaders are aware of the cultural power they wield and do so consciously. In the same way a great warrior leads an army a religious leader can lead and control believers. 

What kind of knowledge, 'magic' or technology underpins the power and authority of religious leaders? How do they use religion to lead or control believers? What kind of interpretations of the nature of the gods exist and how do they manifest in religions? What kind of different religions exist? How do they interact?

2. The travellers from the stars are gods from outside of time and space that were involved in the creation of the universe or perhaps closely tied to the ultimate creator. They came to earth in order to guide and teach humans and to help them develop civilisation.

The star-travellers are gods worshipped by the people of Sundaland. These gods interact with the world in seen and unseen ways but are capricious in nature and their aims and motives are not fully understood by humans. The people of Sundaland are at the mercy of the gods and do their best to gain their favour through rituals and religion.

What is the intention of these gods? Are they moved purely by self-interest or do they wish to impact humanity, either positively or negatively? Are they the ultimate power in the universe or is there something else out there?

3. The star-travellers are not gods but actually aliens that travelled to earth where they engaged in geo and bio-engineering projects using technology so advanced it seemed like magic. They genetically engineered several species to increase their mental and physical capabilities including the ancestors of humans. Variant human species such as Denisovans might be the result of these experiments or the initial stock that was uplifted. There were also experiments with reptiles, amphibians and newly genetically engineered creatures.

The evidence of the alien presence on earth still exists, albeit in a severely deteriorated state since it occurred thousands of years ago. There are various types of building and structures whose purpose we can not hope to understand as well as ruined cities, underground complexes and even space-ship wrecks to be found in Sundaland.

Where did the aliens come from? Why did they come to earth? What did they want to do here? Why did they fight amongst each other? Why did they leave? Will they come back?

Adventure Ideas: 

1. A newly discovered underground complex, lost city, ruined tower or star-ship wreck has been discovered near a remote village. The authority of your culture wants you to investigate the site and bring back whatever knowledge or artefacts you can find before neighbouring city-states hear about it as well.

Have other cultures learned of the site? How did they find it? Did the gods reveal the location to religious leaders? Are there elder-species (uplifted reptiles, amphibians, mammals) at the location? What can be found at the site?

2. A group of elder-species or elder-humans has reportedly moved into lands near our city-state. The people are fearful of might happen next. What are their motives and desires? Will they instigate violence, consume resources or attempt to live peacefully? The authority of your culture has a particular response in mind and wants you to set their plan into motion.

3. An ancient artefact has been discovered in a mine. It surely belonged to the Star Gods and has been brought to the religious leaders of your culture. However it is unclear what the purpose of the artefact is. Can you help find out what it is? Is it a weapon, a tool, or something else? How is it used? Who else wants it and what do they want to do with it? What are the consequences of its use?

4. Something has been disturbed which should not have been. A deadly disease spreads from an re-opened complex, a piece of technology has been activated and is transforming the land, elder-species have been set free from a hidden city after an earthquake, a star-god has been awakened from a thousand year slumber.

How are the various cultures in the land reacting? How will our way of life be transformed? Can anything be done to put a stop to this? Will our way of life end? Has the apocalypse begun?