Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Elephant Queens & Tiger Kings - 5: Arriving at the City of Pearls

Read the the previous episode: Elephant Queens & Tiger Kings - 4: Safe Passage

Last time Auko and my character (Kiakro) facilitated a reconciliation process between two villages. As a reward we were provided with supplies and a guide to take us the rest of the way to the City of Pearls.

We've been travelling for a couple of days, leaving denser forests behind and moving further into the lowlands. Except for occasional low undulating hills the landscape flattens out. Since the rainy season has only just finished the landscape is lush and green. We walk across grasslands and through lightly forested areas. When cresting a ridge we often have an unobstructed view. 

With each passing day we start coming across more villages and settlements. Most of the people living here survive from hunting, fishing and tending gardens of fruit and vegetables. Some have figured out how to reliably attract wild pigs with a designated rubbish dump, which provides the villagers with easy pickings. 

On the third day we come across a wide, raised and paved road, a minimum of knee height above the surroundings, sometimes higher. This is where our guide leaves us, pointing us in the right direction to reach our destination within another day's walk. We make camp by the side of the road and will set out at daybreak.

Since we already had a partial success on the Reach Your Destination move in episode 3 (which resulted in the encounter with the village in episode 4) I'm going to assume there are no further complications ahead.

The following day we start walking down the road and soon start encountering other travellers. There are merchant caravans, sometimes a couple of water buffalo pulling carts, other times leading groups of captives carrying goods on their heads and backs. There are also pilgrims, priests and groups of soldiers with plumed helmets and long spears, occasionally lead by commanders riding elephants. Little attention is paid to lowly people like ourselves but we're careful and weary of being captured again. We keep our distance and our heads down.

Finally in the mid afternoon we see it on the horizon, the walls of the City of Pearls.

I decide that this is a milestone in our relationship. We successfully escaped our captors and reached the city. I will trigger the Forge a Bond move with Auko. 

Move: Forge a Bond

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Hearts (1) = 2 + 1 for a total of 3.

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 1 and 1.

Strong Hit and an Opportunity because of the matched Challenge die.

I can choose either +2 momentum or +1 spirit. I've already have a maxed out spirit of +5 but only 9 momentum so I decide to take that to 10 (I can't increase momentum above 10).

I also decide that because we've started to Forge a Bond that I can add him as a Companion Asset. I mark the Bonded option.

I'm going to roll up some details about the city and the culture of its people using my Sundaland tables. I won't weave all the results together just yet, but will do so as the game develops. I hand picked the first result, for the Cultural Archetype because this city is going to serve as a base for my character and I don't want it to be too 'out there'. All the other results are random.

Sundaland Culture Generator

1. Cultural Archetype: 7, Civilised

2. Origin Story: 4, Overthrew their oppressors.

3. Rulers: 1, Kings and Queens

4. Main Sources of Income and Things the Culture Wants

    Income: 20, Plant resources

    Wants: 2, Jade or Obsidian

5. Motivation: 2, Facilitate commerce and generate wealth.

6. Anathema: 4, Pacifism or perceived weakness.

7. Internal Conflict: 4, A new religion or cult is gaining followers and influence.

8. External threats and dangers: 8, Mass delusions or madness.

9. Religion: 5, Monotheism

10. Moral Compass: 4, Strict rule of law.

11. Preferred method of punishment: 4, Quick execution.

12. Great works: 5, Megaliths like stone circles, henges or large statues.

13. Prominent symbol: 7, Star

Cultural Flavour Tables

1. Status Symbols: 7, Mercantile rights and obligations.

2. Personal Decorations: 6, Body paint or makeup. 

3. Which aspect of religion is most important: 5, Trials.

4. What do people do with the dead: 5, Mummify, entomb, placed in a catacomb or mausoleum.

5. Ceremonies: 3, Sports or games.

6. Customs: 3, Unusual dowery, dower or bride price.

7. Folkways: 7, Always leave a little food to indicate to your host that you are full.

8. Mores: 6, Be grateful for what the forest, river or sea provides.

9. Laws: 2, Ban on a particular resource. Areca Nut

10.  Taboos: Against, killing hunting or hurting particular animal: Peacock

City Generation Tables

1. Unusual Features: Extensive waterways.

2. Features outside the city: Independent religious community.

3. City Scenario: A slave or commoner revolt is on the verge of breaking out.

As we get closer to the city the frequency of vegetable and fruit gardens increases, small patches of land are separated by ditches and waterways being worked by people under the hot sun. We then come across the first of several large statues raised on mounds that look to be three to four times the height of a person. They depict various human and animal hybrids. Some of the statues look ancient and weathered while others look as if they are newly carved. There are altars placed at the feet of the statues on which are displayed flowers, incense and various food offerings. The figures are an imposing feature on the landscape.

We reach the city and can see the stone walls that seem to be as tall as three or four people. There is a large towered gate through which both local workers and merchants are passing. But there are several guards both at the entrance and on the walls keeping an eye on the crowds. Next to the road there is market and camp where people are trading, perhaps these merchants and workers do not have the right to enter the city. We need to discover whether we can enter the freely.

Move: Gather Information

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Wits (2) = 5+ 2 for a total of 7.

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 8 and 5.

Weak Hit, The information complicates your quest +1 Momentum

We approach the gate and it seems that the guards are only letting people through if they possess a chord or bracelet with specific combinations of beads and shells. Some merchants seem to be able to pass through by showing a clay tablet, others have their goods inspected and are escorted by guards into the city. However we notice that some groups of workers are led inside by guards and foremen so it seems that not every individual needs to prove their right of way if they are with a larger group. In any case the two of us can't just walk in.

We decide to follow a path that leads along the walls down to the river, there we see various boats and canoes out on the river, some are fishing in the river, some are heading out to sea, which I'm now only seeing for the second time in my life. Further along the riverbank we see a harbour where larger boats are mored, there are also seem to be several narrow canals that lead into the city through small gates.

Perhaps we could offer our services here since we both have experience on the water? There are various canoes and boats pulled up on the shore, people cleaning and fixing nets and sails, gutting and cleaning fish. Surely someone could use some extra hands?

Move: Gather Information

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Wits (2) = 5+ 2 for a total of 7.

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 2 and 5.

Strong Hit: You discover something helpful and specific. The path you must follow or action you must take to make progress is made clear. Envision what you learn (Ask the Oracle if unsure), and take +2 momentum.

I've taken a look at the results I generated with the Culture and City tables and I think I have an idea.

We mingle amongst the fishermen and women, the sailors and workers, asking if anyone needs extra hands, explaining that we are good rowers and have boating skills. Unfortunately no one seems interested in providing work to two strangers until a man catches us our eye and motions us over to come sit with him.

We crouch down beside a small boat and he starts speaking to us in a low voice. 

"I'm in need of some help, I could use a couple of hands for a trade"

We're suspicious as to why he is speaking in a hushed voice and ask exactly what he wants us to do and what we will get in return. 

He explains:

"Let's just say the city guards are trying to prevent certain goods from entering the city and while I used to be able to provide incentives to make them look the other way, it seems that for the moment they are not accepting any of my gifts. I know you want one of these right?"

He holds up his wrist and shakes one of the distinctive bracelets that we saw some people wear earlier.

"The city used to be more welcoming but recently there have been restrictions. I can get you each one of these, you'll be able to come and go freely."

"So tell us, what do you want from us?"

"I want you to pick up a couple of baskets of Areca Nuts on the other side of the river and deliver them to me here, then help me get them into the city."

Areca nuts are chewed for their stimulating effects but are addictive which is probably why they are banned from the city. This job is risky but we are desperate to get in, so we agree to help.

"What's your name?"

"You can call me Colpa." as he stands up. He motions for us to follow him, walking to the river bank he points to the opposite side of the river to a rock outcrop. Tonight you'll take one of my canoes and meet my friend to pick up the baskets then meet me back here. 

We spend the rest of the day helping him make repairs to one of his boats. The sun starts setting and people start heading back to the city but we stay behind. until it's dark.

Despite it being night there is enough star and moonlight for us to see. Colpa helps us push out the canoe and we make our way to the other shore.

The river is wide and slow moving but it's dark and we are not familiar with its currents. So I'm going to roll for Face Danger. However I possess the Waterborn Asset: When You Face Danger related to your knowledge of watercraft, water travel, or aquatic environments or creatures, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

Move: Face Danger using expertise, insight or observation.

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Wits (2) +1 = 2 + 1 + 1 for a total of 4.

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 6 and 2.

Although I could burn momentum I'd rather save it for later.

Weak Hit: I decide to take 1 harm to reduce us down to 4.

The currents are stronger than we expect and it takes us all our endurance to paddle to the other side, by the time we reach the outcrop we are exhausted. 

We gather ourselves and start speaking out into the darkness, trying to meet Colpa's accomplice. Finally after a few minutes we see the light of a small oil lamp and a voice calls out to us. It seems to be an old woman beckoning us over and as we come closer we see three large baskets loaded up with fruit. 

"The nuts are hidden at the bottom."

We each lift a basket and head back to the canoe which we pulled ashore. Before we can say anything the woman has disappeared and there is no sight of her oil lamp.

It's time to cross back over to meet Colpa.

Move: Face Danger, this time using strength or endurance.

Action Die: Roll 1d6 + Iron (2) = 5 + 2  for a total of 7.

Challenge Dice: Roll 2d10 = 1 and 3.

Strong Hit: The months of enforced rowing has come to benefit us as we have recovered quickly and have the strength and endurance to make it back across the river. It is also easier to see where were are going as there are torches and lamps on the walls of the city as well a lights in some of the taller building and temples.

We locate Colpa and he helps pull the canoe ashore. 

Now we have to get into the city unnoticed.

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