Saturday, August 5, 2023

Elephant Queens & Tiger Kings - 10: Conspiracy of the Idol

    Some ambient music for this episode. 

(Click map to zoom)

Recap: I've been recruited into a diplomatic and trade mission from the City of Pearls to Nanbeg Gakwha, the city of the Longheads a fearsome war-like people that are known for their practice of skull-binding. After two weeks our boats reached their city where we unloaded our mysterious cargo.

During our stay we discovered that an idol has gone missing and that our group has been accused of stealing it. The ambassadors (3 from each boat) were held captive as well as 4 mariners (including myself). There is no evidence of us being involved and it seems that we are being used as pawns in political game between rival factions within the city of the Longheads. After being searched and questioned we are taken back to a holding cell, unsure of our fate.

Read the other episodes here: Game Diary: Elephant Queens & Tiger Kings

We are held in our cell all day with no explanation and eventually all go to sleep, not sure what the future holds. Together our group consists of 9 ambassadors and 4 mariners (including myself).

Will we get more clarity in the morning about our fate? Ask the Oracle.

Action: Investigate

Theme: Ruin

Major Plot Twist: A trap is sprung

I wake up in the middle of the night, there is only the faint moon light from small windows high up in the room. I notice a figure skulking nearby, moving to the centre of the room. There is something gleaming in his hands. I think it's the idol. A small golden statue.

I decide to get up quietly and see if I can manoeuvre to a position that will give me and advantage to pounce on him.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Real History: How an advanced civilisation vanished 2,500 years ago – BBC News

A look at a Bronze Age civilization in Southern Spain. This site was deliberately buried so the architecture is well preserved and you get a great sense of what it must have been like to walk through the building thousands of years ago.

Learn more about this civilisation here: Wikipedia: Tartessos