Friday, August 7, 2020

Real History: Mysterious carvings and evidence of human sacrifice uncovered in ancient city

Take a look at these carvings and guess where they were made. Mexico? Guatemala? Perhaps Peru?

Actually this is from a massive ruin in Northern China, estimated to be more than 4,000 years old. 

Read more about this fascinating new discovery here: 

National Geographic: Mysterious carvings and evidence of human sacrifice uncovered in ancient city

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Elephant Queens & Tiger Kings - 3: Journey to the Lowlands

I wake up with a jolt, for a moment I've forgotten where I am. But it all comes flooding back to me. The sinking boat, the escape into the forest and the violent encounter with one of the boatsmen. 

Auko is already awake, squatting under the shelter we made. 

"You were restless in your sleep. Did you have bad dreams?"

I can't remember what I dreamt about but I know I'm not as rested as I would like to be. 

But survival is at stake and it's time to find our way to the City of Pearls. We know that if we follow the river we should be able to get within its realm and hopefully there will be people to guide us the rest of the day.

It will be hard to follow right along the river bank because the forest grows dense along the water, but we should be able to gauge our general direction by following the undulations of the ground with it's gentle slope towards the water.

I trigger the Gather Information move and roll +Wits (+2).

Action Die, Roll 1d6 + Wits (3) = 3 + 2 for a total of 5.
Challenge Dice, Roll 2d10 = 1 and 4.

A Strong Hit, the way forward is clear and I gain +2 momentum.

We find the river nearby and get a feel for the lay of the land. We  set out with confidence.

Undertake Journey (Dangerous): 2 Progress per Waypoint. So we need 5 successes to reach the city (although we can try our luck at an earlier point). 

I roll with Wits.

Action Die, Roll 1d6 + Wits (2) = 6 + 2 for a total of 8.
Challenge Dice, Roll 2d10 = 10 and 5.

A Weak Hit. We reach a waypoint (2 out of 10 Progress) but suffer -1 supply.

We set out with confidence periodically checking to see if we are following the river as best we can. We travel all day with no issue because the rainforest floor is quite clear of plants and ferns. However we are hungry and eat some of the fruit we gathered before. We need to find some more food and it won't be easy without proper tools. We grew up in this type of environment but it takes time to make a spear or bow and time isn't something we have.

I roll for Resupply with Wits.

Action Die, Roll 1d6 + Wits (2) = 2 + 2 for a total of 4.
Challenge Dice, Roll 2d10 = 1 and 5.

I burn my momentum resetting it to +2 in order to get a Strong Hit. This gives us +2 supply for a total of 3.

Auko and I keep our eyes open and we are in luck as we find...

I roll on the Food Staples, Fruit and Plant Resources tables found here Plant, Animal, Mineral and other Resources of Sundaland

...Lotus stems, Longan (a Lychee like fruit) and Cusur nuts (candlenuts). We have enough to feed our stomachs and some leftover which we carry in improvised satchels made from large leaves.

We rest for the night and continue on our journey the next day.

Undertake Journey, Roll with Wits.

Action Die, Roll 1d6 + Wits (2) = 5 + 2 for a total of 7.
Challenge Dice, Roll 2d10 = 2 and 4.

A Strong Hit. We reach another waypoint (4 out of 10 Progress). 

I'll ask the Oracle to help me envisage what is happening. 

Location Oracle: Hill 

We notice a steepening incline as we travel. But with no way to closely follow the river bank we must climb the hill in order to continue. Perhaps we'll be able to use this opportunity to get a view of the area.

When we reach the crest of the hill I decide to try and climb into a tree and see if I can get a better view of the surroundings. I'm fairly agile so I'm confident I'll be able to do this safely.

Face Danger, Roll with Edge.

Action Die, Roll 1d6 + Edge (3) = 5 + 3 for a total of 8.
Challenge Dice, Roll 2d10 = 7 and 10.

A Weak Hit and not enough Momentum to burn! I succeed but face a troublesome cost. Out of the options I'll choose to Suffer -1 Momentum (I only have 1 Momentum now) and envision a delay, loss of advantage or new danger.

I ask the Oracle: Clash and Spirit.

It sounds like Auko and I might get into an argument.

I climb the tree with ease as far as I can, scaring a variety of birds and monkeys as I go. Auko shouts up to me to look if I can see where the land ends and the sky seems to come down further than it should. I don't really understand what he means but in any case I can only see the forest stretch out towards the horizon and he river snaking along into the distance.

Auko seems to get frustrated and keeps asking me if I can see water that stretches into the horizon but I don't quite understand what he means. Eventually he calls for me to come down where I see he has become somewhat despondent.

"I thought we would be closer to the big water by now. That's where the city is. I thought we could see it from here."

I'm confused asking him to clarify what he means by big water, a river?

"No the big water is where all the rivers lead to, it goes to the horizon and encircles the world."

I'm still not sure what to make of this.

Auko starts muttering to himself and starts pacing around in circles.

"Maybe we should go back, maybe we can find the other and plead for forgiveness. I don't think we can make it on our own after all!"

I'm going to have to try and calm him down.

I roll Compel + Heart (1)

Action Die, Roll 1d6 + Heart (1) = 3 + 1 for a total of 4.
Challenge Dice, Roll 2d10 = 6 and 1.

A Weak Hit. They'll do what I want and I get +1 Momentum but they ask something of me in return.

I manage to calm Auko down by reminding him how good he has been at getting this far and how the forest can provide all the food and water we need as long as we remember what our elders taught us. 

This seems to satisfy him somewhat but he makes me promise him to...

Ask the Oracle: Seize, Prize help him raise his status to that of the highest chiefs because I owe him my life. I don't quite understand the request but will say anything to get him to calm down.

Satisfied that we will continue in the present direction we head onwards.

Undertake Journey, Roll with Wits.

Action Die, Roll 1d6 + Wits (2) = 3 + 2 for a total of 5.
Challenge Dice, Roll 2d10 = 7 and 3.

A Weak Hit. Reach a Waypoint (6 out of 10 Progress) and suffer -1 Supply (we are at +2).

We journey for another full day, aside from the occasional light rain and humidity the conditions are fair. We make shelter for the night again.

BTW I'm not using the Make Camp move every night of this journey because the terrain is the same and we're both familiar with living in these type of surroundings.

Undertake Journey, Roll with Wits.

Action Die, Roll 1d6 + Wits (2) = 5 + 2 for a total of 7.
Challenge Dice, Roll 2d10 = 3 and 8.

A Weak Hit. We reach a Waypoint +2 Progress (8 out 10 Progress), -1 Supply.

The environment is starting to change. Something that I didn't appreciate from the top of the hill is that the trees are smaller here, and there are occasionally clearings and open areas where the sun can shine down. Perhaps we are reaching the edge of the forest?

I'm going to make the Reach Your Destination move. Although I think we still have some way to go to reach the city I think we might be entering its sphere of influence. 

Progress on the Journey is 8 out of 10. I roll 1 4 and a 9, which is a Weak Hit. We arrive but face an unforseen hazard or complication.

I'm not going to ask the Oracle this time since I have a rough idea of what happening.

As we make our journey we realise that the clearings are man made, these are the remnants of slashing and burning. A way to create areas for living and working. It's likely that we are entering an area that inhabited by people. 

Just at the moment I become aware of this, I hear a threatening voice call out to us.