Friday, September 30, 2022

Orichalcum: The Magical Metals of Sundaland

According to Plato Orichalcum was abundant in Atlantis and second only to gold in value. But we don't know which metal it was.  Supposedly it was mined but others believe it was simply an alloy of copper, zinc, nickel and iron. Of course readers of this blog will know that Sundaland is a good candidate for the real Atlantis.

So is Orichalcum a simple alloy or a magical metal? If it's the latter what kind of properties does it have? Are there other magical metals in Sundaland?

Roll some d10s to discover the qualities of the magical metals of Sundaland.

Extraordinary Properties 1d10

1. Lighter than Aluminium

2. Stronger than Tungsten

3. More dense and heavy than Iridium

4. More elastic than Steel

5. Conducts electricity better than Silver

6. More beautiful than Gold

7.  More dazzling than Diamonds

8. More rust resistant than Stainless Steel

9. Can be polished to reflect light like a glass mirror

10. Sharper than a Diamond or Obsidian blade

Supernatural Properties 1d10

1. Can provide and/or store an electrical charge like a battery

2. Anti-gravitational

3. Glows in the dark

4. No known melting point

5. Can be shaped to amplify sound waves

6. Can be shaped to reflect light like a laser

7. Does not reflect light at all. It's darker than Vantablack 

8. Antimicrobial or healing properties

9. Magnifies or enhances brain waves and/or facilitates Psionic / Psychokinetic / Telepathic abilities.

10. Can not rust or corrode at all

Colour 1d12

1. Transparent

2. White

3. Yellow

4. Orange

5. Red

6. Brown

7. Olive

8. Green

9. Blue

10. Purple

11.  Black

12. Grey


  1. It's certainly worth noting that the name literally translates as "mountain copper".

  2. Yes in this case the truth is probably more mundane than the fiction.
